Tiny Light Angel

Tiny Light Angel
Tiny Light Angel has the perfect name – she truly is an angel and inspiration to everyone she meets. While this brave 16-year-old spends much of her time going from one medical appointment to another, she doesn’t dwell on that. Instead, she spends all of her spare time helping other sick children. So far, Angel has raised a whopping $100,000 for Variety- the Children’s Charity.
Angel was born with Trisomy 21 (also known as Down Syndrome). In addition, at the age of 4, she was diagnosed with Autism.
Related: What is Down syndrome
Related: What Is Autism? ASA Guide to Diagnosing & Treating Autism
She also has a number of other health complications including: hypothyroidism, vision dysfunction, chronic urinary tract and up-per airway infections, obstructive sleep apnea and scoliosis. She is a high risk choker and has choked hundreds of times. Some of these conditions can become life-threatening at any moment. Angel has undergone several surgeries with at least one more scheduled for later this year.
Related: Surgery Survival
Her parents, Cheryl and Arnold, call their amazing daughter “the light of their lives”. They continued, “She has been forced to become courageous in situations where she’d rather just crumble and cry or run away and refuse medical treatment. Yet she does not wallow in pity.” When Angel cries, it is never for herself. It is for all the other sick children she has met on her journey.
This Tiny Light has a very busy and active life. She has published a cookbook benefiting not only Variety, but also pediatric care at three Vancouver Island hospitals. She also fundraises for BC Children’s Hospital and The Canadian Cancer Society. Angel finds time to have fun too, especially on the ice – competing in interpretive figure skating and playing ice hockey. She sings, plays piano and guitar. Her dream is to one day become a chef and actor. Angel amazes each of us daily with her joy and enthusiasm for life!
Trisomy 21 (also known as Down Syndrome).
For more information go to
Story written by Elaine Yong
Photos by Lynne Williams Photography www.lynnewilliamsphotography.com
Read More Stories From The Tiny Light Foundation
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This post originally appeared on our July/August 2012 Magazine