Post High School Life

Life after School Ends 0

Life after School Ends

Life after School Ends tips to promote future employment How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before it’s afternoon. December before it’s June. My goodness, how the...

College Programs Closer Than You Think 0

College Programs: Closer Than You Think

College Programs At a time when other parents of high school students are busy looking into college options for their students, some parents may worry what that means for their...

Independence and Self-Advocacy 0

Independence and Self-Advocacy

Independence and Self-Advocacy Many years ago, I read a book by Jennie McCarthy. It was about her son and his journey with autism. Throughout the book, she referenced that her...

College Bound A Journey to Independence 0

College Bound: A Journey to Independence

College Bound: A Journey to Independence Our son, Clayton, started college this fall along with three of his closest friends. Originally, we planned to create a supported living residence for...