Oddles Of Noodles

Hooray! Summer is Still Here! Barbeques, sunshine, blue skies, and plenty of vibrant colors surrounding us. It’s time to head outside and enjoy the weather. If you’re fortunate to own a swimming pool, grab a noodle or two and jump right in. The swim noodles will help you and your friends stay afloat. Why not blow water through them and watch the fountain of water shoot across the pool? Or, maybe you can just relax, lie back, and float.
Is it time to get out of the pool? Then bring your noodles along and follow me. I’m going to show you some innovative games and activities that will keep you entertained in your backyard.
You will need two swim noodles to play the games listed below.
1. Rocketship Noodle Launce
Cut a noodle in half to make two shorter swim noodles. Give one to your friend or family member and keep one for yourself.
How to Launch the Noodle:
- Hold the lower part of the noodle vertically with your non-dominant hand.
- Open your dominant hand wide so that the palm is facing up.
- Strike the bottom of the noodle with the palm of the open hand and at the same time release the
- You should see the noodle launch straight up into the air.
- Run after the noodle trying to catch it before it lands on the ground.
Friendly Adaptations: If you use a wheelchair or use any other mobility device, play this game with a friend while in your wheelchair or any supported chair. Launch the noodle to one another attempting to aim the noodle towards each other’s spatial area. If it is difficult to strike the lower portion of the noodle, strike it using a small racquet.
2. Leaning Tower of Noodle
Cut the noodle in half so that you have two shorter swim noodles. Give one to your friend or family member and keep one for yourself.
- Stand approximately 5 feet apart facing each other.
- Both players start by standing and balancing the noodle vertically on the ground by their side.
- On the count of 3, each player balances the noodle first and then releases it and moves to grab the friend’s swim noodle before it tips over and falls to the ground.
- Repeat this process several times until you become successful.
- Is it getting easier? Increase the distance between you and your friend.
Friendly Adaptations: If you use a wheelchair, a mobility device or if you have a difficult time moving, this game can be played in a stationary location. Position two people next to one another. Balance and release the noodle. Count to 3 and grab it before it touches the floor. Take turns holding and releasing.
3. Noodle Dance Tag
This game requires at least 6 players. Invite the entire family or neighborhood friends to play this game.
- Designate one player to be “IT”. He or she will need a swim noodle to tag players.
- All other players must scatter around the play area.
- Play your favorite music.
- When the music starts, the players run around a designated area (you may want to set up boundaries by using landmarks in your yard or small orange cones).
- The person that is “IT” tags as many players as he can until the music stops. (30 seconds to 1 minute time)
- Once tagged, the players must remain frozen until the music stops. The players are also frozen if they fall or if they step out of bounds.
- After the music stops, count the tagged players.
- Delegate another player to be “IT”.
- When the players are finished playing the game, see which player had the most tags.
Friendly Adaptations: If you use a mobile device, play this game on a flat surface (asphalt, cement). If the person in the wheelchair is “IT”, the players must walk instead of run around the play area. The noodle can be attached between the person’s feet as he/she wheels around tagging the other players.
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This post originally appeared on our July/August 2019 Magazine