New Year’s Guide to a Powerful & Harmonious You

A Powerful & Harmonious You
Parenting a child with special needs can be overwhelming; one day life is calm and steady and the next is not. The uncertainties can leave us feeling vulnerable and powerless. Small challenges become looming disasters as we are unable to cope with ‘one more thing’. A great deal of my own life had been topsy-turvy. My daughter, Alexandra, was born with a severe disability and then her death at age twelve left me in puddles of despair. However, out of my deep sadness in both instances came strength and wisdom. This might be true for you also.
Ultimately, I went on an inward journey of self-care, reflection and study – where I discovered truths about life’s meaning and purpose and how it is that we can reclaim our power.
The Sacred Seven Essentials of Harmonious Living reflects my learning. I offer this as a guide for your NEW Year. I promise it will lead you toward a more powerful and harmonious YOU.
Sacred Essential # 7 – gives you the most powerful visualization tool available to you. Use this tool to create a NEW year for yourself and your family.
The Sacred Seven Essentials of Harmonious Living
1. Know who you are
You embrace your own divinity and accept the naked truth that you are a unique blessing with gifts and talents and a deep desire to fully express yourself. You recognize that there are pre-determined destiny points in your life while at the same time you have the innate power to co-create your life experiences.
2. Embrace your gifts and talents
You are aware of your own unique gifts and talents. Allow them to flow through you to help you manifest the life you want and the world you want to live in.
3. Perceive power as something you cultivate from within
You are aware that the power lies within you to dream, create and manifest what you want in your life. Power is not something you acquire and it is not something you are given or some-thing that you take from someone else. It is a strength that comes with the ability to, in each moment, focus one’s mind and stay connected to one’s feelings and body.
4. Access natural sources of vibrant energy to BE balanced, energized and joy-filled
You access the natural sources of positive energy: love, affirming thoughts and beliefs, nutritious foods and physical exercise. Science is telling us that these natural sources of energy loop together in a never-ending exchange. Love, thoughts and beliefs, and foods all have a vibrational quality that impact our own vibration and well-being. Physical exercise releases chemicals called endorphins resulting in a positive outlook on life. Daily wellness practices that access these energies put you in charge of your own destiny.
5. Understand that what you see ‘out there’ is also ‘in here’
You realize that our human tendency is to project what is inside of us (our feelings, emotions, beliefs and thoughts), to the outside world. Our inside world forms a perception through which we see the rest of the world. To change what is going on ‘out there’ in the material world we need to change what is going on ‘inside’ of us.
6. Align your decisions and actions with who you are
Your actions are aligned with your vision, mission, goals and your personal truths. When we negate our own truths we create obstacles for ourselves. The natural ease and flow of life becomes blocked and can result in accidents, chronic pain, disease and illness. The inward journey to discover and let go of our old wounds, anger, regrets and worries is an essential wellness practice. It allows us to quickly self-correct and reopen the divine flow of energy.
7. Use your mind’s capacity to visualize and manifest the future you wish to have.
Creating a Vision Board is probably one of the most powerful tools available to you. A Vision Board is a collection of visual images (drawings, cutouts from a magazine, words) that represent or symbolize the feelings, experiences, ways of being and possessions you desire to have. As your attention focuses on them with unwavering faith, science is telling us that they are destined to occur.
Paula Petry, PhD. Paula has her doctoral degree in special education from the University of Miami. Paula is the founder and honorary advisor of Parent to Parent of Miami. Paula attended Harvard’s Executive Leadership program and developed leadership programs for students and parents. She is a Light Body practitioner through the Four Winds Society and studied arts in medicine at the University of Florida, Shands Hospital.
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This post originally appeared on our January/February 2016 Magazine