Autism is a Blessing

Patty Corrigan Meyers is the author of “Autism Is A Blessing”. Mrs. Meyers has a degree in Psychology from Kings College. Currently, she is working on her Behavior Analysis Certificate. “Autism Is A Blessing”, is about the author’s struggle to understand Autism and the effect is has on the child and family.
The addition of many testimonials by others that are coping with a child who is autistic, gives the reader a very insightful look at the expectations of life with a special needs child and how they, the parents or caregivers, are adjusting to that challenge.
The “Blessing” in this book is how one comes to appreciate the child with Autism, and see the milestones and accomplishments that are made. Using the knowledge and the experience of other parents who have struggled with getting help, it gives hope to those just starting down that path. This book shows that Autism is a journey in life, one that teaches compassion and understanding.
Autism has come to the forefront in the media, with many books written about this disorder. There are many parents who have children with different “Spectrum Disorders” that need a voice. The hope is that all types of Special Needs Children are given the same help, acceptance, understanding and compassion that “Autism Is A Blessing” strives for.
Autism is a Blessing click to purchase
Published by: Tate Publishing & Enterprise, LLC
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