Life’s Mystery- “Autism” The Missing Puzzle Piece!

Out there, yes out there! Somewhere far beyond our expectation lays the mystery of the missing puzzle piece. A puzzle piece we must put together to find its known cause: “Autism”.
It’s a mystery, a fight to be fought against this complex brain disorder that inhabits a person’s ability to communicate and develop social relationships and is often accompanied by extreme behavior challenges. Challenges we must overcome! An everlasting journey we will face ahead of us! A life long developing disability, which threatens our society and nation. A task everyone will bear! Have no fear – there is HOPE, also FAITH, so have no despair, our answers are on its way. Mark its journey. The day will come!
The days are out numbered. Time is clicking on our shoulders; too much to bear, families struggling to overcome their fears for the future of their love ones. A solution, a miracle, to solve the missing piece of the puzzle. The hidden ability of our special needs, who so desperately want to come out of their world to meet us halfway for acceptance in our society.
Out there, yes out there! Everyone hear our voices, support us, and walk with us to contribute in making “Autism Awareness Day”. A day we will be proud of. A day recognized for its efforts and accomplishments that we have reached so far. So scientists, researchers, teachers, parents, and other advocates continue what you are doing. Your job is far from finished. A journey we all make together to find the missing puzzle piece, still a mystery, known as a national public health crisis whose causes and cure remain unknown. “Autism”.
So hear me again! Stand by your families or anyone you know, to give a helping hand, to acknowledge the spectrums that come with being “autistic”. Share their feelings and try to understand the world they are living in. Make a difference and appreciate them for who they are. They continue to strive and have come a long way to make their life better, in improving with the given life skills they have learned, their amazing/gifted talent, their affection and love bestow on us, their act of kindness & willingness, their own kind of happiness they seek on themselves. No matter what the outcome of their outburst we see in anxiety, frustrations, lack of patience & comprehension, their way of doing things differently in a routine pattern, their compulsory behavior, loss for words to express their inner feelings, struggle to cope with their social peers and things around them. They are set and will always be set in their own “autistic ways” – a sign for us to remember what life is all about: Faith, Hope, Love & Patience, but the greatest of these is “LOVE”. A life-filled dream to overcome this Life Mystery of “the missing puzzle piece”. To heal its causes, to find a cure. A mom’s love, care, patience and dedication for her autistic child, showing joy in seeing improvements that lead towards her mainstream in life. “What else can a mother ask for?
Written by: Jocelyn Plowey of Texas
On behalf of her six year old daughter, Siobhan
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