IEP Tools at Your Fingertips

IEP Tools at your fingertips
There is no question that getting ready for an IEP meeting can be a stressful and intimidating experience. The amount of information that parents must absorb and be expected to understand about their child and their educational needs is staggering. Instead of being paralyzed by information overload, empower yourself by getting organized, learning about students’ rights under the law and utilizing data to your child’s advantage.
Here are some easy to use tools that you can access using your mobile device to help prepare for IEP meetings. Many of them are free and available for both Apple and Android devices. Transform your fear into confidence and make your next IEP meeting the best one yet!
Voice Recorder HD for Audio Recording, Playback, Trimming and Sharing
This app is an excellent voice recorder with many outstanding features that can be used for a variety of purposes. The recorder itself is quite easy to use with very high quality sound. Features that we love and advantages that this app has over other similar voice recording apps is the ability to record for long periods of time and to be able to share/save the recordings outside of the app itself. Other uses we have found for this app have been recording information from medical appointments to remember later and recording IEP meetings for documentation purposes.
Price: $3.99
If you are interested in searching for more apps, creating your own list of apps and sharing them, please go to BridgingApps, a program of Easter Seals Greater Houston, is a community of parents, therapists, doctors, and teachers who share information about using mobile devices (iPad, iPhone, and Android) with people who have special needs.
Cristen Reat is co-founder of BridgingApps and a mother who found success when using a mobile device with her children who have special needs.
© flickingerbrad via Flickr
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More IEP
- How can parents prepare for an IEP Meeting? (Part 1)
- Whether it’s Your First IEP or You’re a Pro: 10 things to Cover at the Meeting
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This post originally appeared on our March/April 2014 Magazine