We Are What We Eat!

You have heard this saying a million times, but what exactly does it mean to you, your family and your bodies?
Americans consume huge amounts of processed foods, including: fast food, restaurant food, and food you buy and provide for your families. Many European countries are changing how their families eat by removing toxins from their foods, for a healthier world. Sadly, America, one of the richest countries in the world, is poisoning their citizens. Not only are they damaging their bodies, but also their minds. School lunches are one of the worst culprits in our society, as well as all of the drive-through, fast food establishments that exist in practically every city in America.
Do you read labels on the foods that you purchase? Pay attention! There are too many ignorant people out there who purchase packaged foods for their families, completely unaware of what those ingredients mean. This information is not just for families touched by a special needs child. These valuable facts are for ALL families!
We have more hyperactivity, autism and MANY other diseases and disorders out of control than ever before. Many of these disorders can be eradicated or GREATLY improved by changing the diet to remove chemicals and toxins. Many peoples’ bodily functions can be greatly improved by getting rid of the wrong types of foods that enter their body.
Let’s start with processed foods. Something as simple as potato chips can explain what I am talking about. Potato chips may not be the healthiest of foods, but they can still be a healthy option. There is nothing wrong with potatoes cut thin, baked or cooked in olive oil (or another healthy oil), and a small amount of salt…three simple ingredients to satisfy your taste buds.
First off, you can clearly see that there are ingredients listed that you have no clue what they are or where they even came from. This is the first lesson in how to read a label. If the list is long and full of odd, strange words, put it back on the shelf. This is not a healthy choice. Dextrose is just another word for sugar, which is already listed here. Why on earth do your potato chips need sugar? I can guarantee you that this sugar is processed, refined and unhealthy! Corn syrup is never healthy. You can read all over the Internet about the dangers of corn syrup. The worse offenders here are the artificial ingredients, especially the Lake Dyes. These dyes are purely chemicals made from petrolum oil. Yes..the same thing that goes into the gas tank of your car. These colors (which have been abolished in many other parts of the world, they use fruits and vegetables to color their foods, instead) can harm your body and mind. Read more on www.Feingold.org about how your body and mind react to preservatives, chemicals and artificial ingredients, especially artificial colors. There are way too many destructive symptoms to list here that can occur by ingesting these chemicals. I will just name a few: hyperactivity, poor sleep patterns, skin disorders, bowel disorders, disruptive and/or abusive behaviors, inappropriate noises, aggression, mood swings, depression, low self-esteem and so much more!
You owe it to your family to read labels. There are many single ingredient foods that you can purchase (or natural or organic options) for just about anything you have in your freezer, refrigerator or pantry shelf. There are farmer’s markets all over the nation, co-ops, health food stores and large chains of stores that do not sell artificial products. Please do NOT say it is too expensive. The people that exclaim these words pay a fortune weekly at fast food or other unhealthy restaurant options. Add up your cost for that soda, that burger, those fries and other side dishes. Add in a tip, if you go out. Compare your grocery bill to that of your “eating out” bill. Write down EVERY time you purchase outside food, this includes lunch and beverages parents purchase for themselves while at work or in route to their destinations. Keep track of what you and your family are eating and the cost. Then go one week with NEVER eating out, yet purchasing only foods with healthy, natural ingredients. Why not shop at Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods or other similar stores in your area for one week of groceries? Not only will you save money, but also your family will have the best bowel movements, the best skin, and the best feeling inside mentally and physically. Yes, this means packing lunches for school and work daily. Or, perhaps, even for a ride in the car on vacations or just day trips. Once you see the changes in your family after one week, you will not want to stop. One month will show you even more of the huge changes in your families’ daily existence.
Be cognizant, read labels, pay attention to what you buy, where you buy it, what the ingredients are for every morsel that you and your family ingest. Stop being ignorant. Share what you have learned with other families. It takes a village to change poor eating habits! Why not start today?
Helpful Articles
- Clean up What You Eat
- Where to Purchase Gluten Free Casein Free (GFCF) Foods and Some Favorite Brands
- Most Popular Gluten Free/Casein Free Products and Where to Find Them
- Do You Struggle With Planning Healthy Meals for Your Family?
- Dinner’s On: How to Cook Once and Feed All Eaters
- Benefits of Special Diets for Special Needs Children
- Eating Breakfast When You Are on a Special Diet
- Traveling with Special Dietary Need
- What to Make of Portions and Serving Sizes?
- Ditch The Chemicals Start The Year Off Healthy
- Taking Care of Your Child’s Special Food Needs
- Family Fun Doesn’t Have to Stop Because of Special Diets
- Handling a Special Diet at School
- Special Diets: Food Allergies
- How To Achieve A Healthy You
- Focus on Color
- Benefits of Fiber
- Nutrition Myths Debunked
This post originally appeared on our March/April 2011 Magazine