Reading and Study Strategies for Students with Learning Disabilities

Identify Areas of Weakness
The first step to improving a child’s reading and study skills is to correctly identify the specific problem areas. From there, parents and teachers can evaluate the current method of studying to see how much time is spent in preparing for tests and how well a child is performing on different assessments.
Study Strategies
Children are often unaware of the amount of material to be learned in an upcoming unit. Parents and teachers can help a child by previewing concepts that will be learned in that chapter/unit. Providing a list of new vocabulary terms, formulas, and dates gives an early exposure that many children need in order for subsequent learning to take place. To help a child process and store information better, it would be beneficial to review any notes taken from a previous lesson. Begin your study session with the most difficult material, while you are most alert, and proceed by studying or completing easier subject matter.
Help children get into a daily routine of including a review as part of their “to-do list” on their daily calendar. At the end of the week, dedicate 30-45 minutes per subject to review assigned reading, notes taken in class, and previous homework assignments. Children with learning disabilities may benefit from visually reviewing material through flash cards, mind maps, orshort summaries.
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More Reading Help
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- Tips from a Tutor About Reading
- Optimize Reading Posture {Tip 1 of 31}
More Homework Help
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- Break It Down Tech Tools for Task Analysis
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- DIY Homework Folder {Tip 10 of 31}