Biggest Concerns That Kids Have About Going Back to School

Back to School
Going back to school should be an exciting, yet naturally somewhat of a nervous time for kids. But preparing your child for success by applying the following strategies will help offset any unnecessary anxiety and get your child off to a great start of the school year.
1. Getting back to school year routines
Getting out of the summer mode is oftentimes a challenge for kids. Getting back into a routine and reestablishing structure means setting the ground rules on bedtime, a regular place and time to do homework, time they can spend with friends, using electronics, etc. This will help a child develop good habits for the entire school year.
2. Getting too much homework and knowing how to manage it
As students get into middle and certainly high school, the homework load significantly increases. Children, as well as parents, may be unaware of this, and children can be easily overwhelmed with all of the daily demands of homework, studying for quizzes and tests, and completing various projects. The solution is to once again get back into a routine that works. I recommend getting your child a wall calendar in which they can write down their weekly schedule. This allows your child to visualize what needs to be done and plan accordingly to accomplish those tasks and also holds them personally accountable for their responsibilities. Having a quiet place to do homework at a consistent time, preferably in a place that you can see them doing homework so they know that you see them, is very important. Set limits on # electronics use, especially cell phone, to prevent that from being a distraction, so they are able to complete homework in a time efficient, high quality manner. If your child is struggling with completing homework in a timely manner, set a timer and have it go off after a certain amount of time and have your child move on to the next subject. At the end of the homework session, your child can go back and complete anything that wasn’t originally finished during the set time frame.A good general rule of thumb is that there should be about 10 minutes of homework per grade level (e.g. First grade – 10 minutes; Second grade – 20 minutes) with some days being a little more or less. This will help you gauge how long you want the timer set for your child.
3. Not liking or having a very difficult teacher
As kids get older, they become more apprehensive about the amount of homework they are going to get, the grading policy, and how interesting it is going to be. It is important to have a conversation with a child about being respectful to all adult figures, despite whether they are your child’s most adored or least adored teachers. Also, encourage your child to regularly participate in class discussion as that boosts the learning environment, not only for yourself and other students, but also for the teacher and is a great way to ignite the lesson.
4. Wanting to fit in with others
Being socially accepted is of prime importance for children. School can be an anxious, if not painful, place for students who struggle to fit in and make friends. Most kids are concerned about fashion and what to wear. It is normal for kids to want to look cool and feel attractive and clothing plays a big role. Now, you may not be able to afford the most expensive designer clothes. However, establish an upfront budget with your child and go school shopping together. If your child insists on getting something beyond the budget, compromise by finding a way for them to earn it through doing chores around the house.
“Even the most creative artists start by mastering the conventions of the past, and find the pinnacle of their expression in working within the confines of specific rules.” Aha!
Douglas Haddad, is a public school teacher, nutritionist and the author of parenting/child guidance book Save Your Kids…Now! The Revolutionary Guide To Helping Youth Conquer Today’s Challenges and co-author of Top Ten Tips For Tip Top Shape: Super Health Programs For All Professional Fields.
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This post originally appeared on our September/October 2016 Magazine