

Eat Your Medicine

Have you ever wondered why a pre-packaged food has a longer expiration date than the same food made from scratch which spoils in a matter of days? Look at the...


Make & Go Trail Mix

You can pack it in snack bags and it is ready to go wherever you go- the grocery store, running errands, the amusement park, etc.

Can Easter Candy Make Kids See Red? 1

Can Easter Candy Make Kids See Red?

Every spring you buy an abundance of delicious treats and lovingly prepare your children’s Easter baskets. So, why do they sometimes repay your hard work by screaming, crying or…

Special Diets for a Variety of Disabilities & Disorders 0

Special Diets for a Variety of Disabilities & Disorders

Usually, I mainly write about the Gluten Free/Casein Free, or Feingold Diets for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders or ADHD/ADD. Today, however, this column will be about...

Time to Pack Those Lunch Boxes 0

Time to Pack Those Lunch Boxes

School cafeterias are notorious for using the word “nutrition” very loosely, when describing a school lunch program.  Sadly, most food found at school is loaded with chemicals, additives, refined sugar,...