Kids Books: Zach Apologizes by William Mulcahy

Does your child need help with when and how to apologize? Does your child say “I’m sorry”, but they don’t know why?
Zach Apologizes is about a boy named Zachary that learns how to apologize to his brother. The story begins with Zachary getting really mad at his brother because he is playing with one of his toys. What does Zach do? He grabs the toy out of his brother’s hand and pushes him down. As parents, we have all been in situations such as this one before. Zach gets sent up to his room where he is told to “cool down” by his mother. His mom then comes in after a couple of minutes and teaches Zachary the four square apology.
What is the four square apology? It is a strategy to help a child understand how and why they need to apologize. It also helps teach a child to problem solve and develop empathy towards others.
Zach Apologizes can be an excellent tool for both the child who is typical and has special needs (e.g. ADHD, social communication disorders, autism, etc.). My favorite part of this book is when the mother tells Zach, “You’re a good person even though you did something wrong.” I think that is a very powerful statement to any child. The more we reinforce to our children that they are good people, the better.
The book also includes tips on how to help your child learn to apologize. Download The Four- Square Apology worksheet
Check out my review of William Mulcahy’s other book, Zach Gets Frustrated
Read another review from Becca ––> Kids Books
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