Kids Books: Whole Body Listening Larry at School

Do you have a child who has difficulty following directions and listening in school? Many children with special needs can have difficulty listening and following directions within the classroom. This can be due to many reasons including sensory overload, various distractions, lack of modifications in the classroom and/or lack of support by the teacher and staff.
Whole Body Listening Larry at School can be helpful in teaching your child how to listen better using the concept “whole body listening”. This book is written by two speech language pathologists, Elizabeth Sautter and Kristen Wilson, both have had extensive experience working with children with special needs. This book is well illustrated and can help explain specific concepts that can be complicated to discuss with your child without the use of this book.
The story begins with two new students attending school named Luka and Leah. Luka and Leah have trouble listening and following along with the class schedule, social cues, etc. Larry helps them by teaching them how to listen with “their whole body”. In one scene, the teacher is reading a story about a farm. Luka and Leah are thinking about rain. Ask your child, “What should Luka and Leah be thinking about during story time?” In another scene, a student talks about how her dog ran away. Luka and Leah respond by saying “We have a cat”. This scene itself can lead to an excellent discussion in staying on topic and having compassion for others.
Pair this book with Listening Larry at Home .This book comes with excellent carryover exercises, resources, and visuals in the back of the book. It also includes a colorful and visual handout for “Whole Body Listening”. Perfect for back to school!
Read more Language tips from Becca in ––> “Foodie”Fun for Kids
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