Avoiding Meltdowns During Theme Park Vacations

Theme parks can be overwhelming and exhausting experiences. There are usually crowds of people trying to navigate through the same small walkways. Much of the day is spent waiting in line. The rides may be loud or have unexpected effects, such as flashing lights. Some rides splash water on people as they pass by. There are food carts emitting smells from every corner. Add in the heat of summer and many adults and typically developing children quickly hit sensory overload.
The experience is intensified in children who have special needs. My daughter has generalized anxiety disorder, as well as sensory processing issues. We took her to Disney World for the first time last year when she was ten years old. We had spent weeks prior to the trip talking about Disney World. We watched videos, looked at photos online and read books. We mentioned it would be a lot of walking and we would have to wait in line to go on the rides.
We quickly realized within an hour of walking through the gates that we would need to develop some strategies in order for us to have a successful vacation. She was completely overwhelmed. Here are some things that worked for us over the course of that trip and subsequent trips to other theme parks in the area.
- Tell your child what to expect. Talk about things that might bring your child stress, such as the crowds, screaming on the rides, long lines or weather conditions. Plan an exit strategy in case the child becomes overwhelmed.
- Remind your child of the things you spoke of, including the exit plan, as you enter the park. No matter how much research, planning and discussion you do to prepare your child, it may all go out the window when they are in the moment. My daughter simply couldn’t comprehend how large, crowded, loud and busy the Magic Kingdom was until it was actually in front of her.
- Get a hotel onsite, if possible, or at least nearby. If you don’t have your own vehicle, choose a hotel that has a free shuttle service running throughout the day. Even if everyone is holding up fine, plan to go back to the hotel in the afternoon. Enjoy a quiet lunch. Cool off in the pool. Maybe even take a nap. Then go back to the park for a few more hours in the evening once the crowds have thinned and your family is refreshed.
- If leaving during the day isn’t an option, look for quiet places within the park to get away for a little break. Let your child kick off her shoes and run around a little patch of grass off the beaten track. Sit on the pavement in a quiet space between buildings to enjoy a cold drink.
- Don’t let too much time pass without giving your child a snack and drink. It’s easy to get dehydrated walking around with the sun reflecting off the concrete. Most children have little control over their emotions when their blood sugar drops or they are dehydrated. Bring lightweight snacks, such as fruit leather, nuts and beef jerky. Bring an empty bottle that you can fill with cool, fresh water at water fountains.
- Follow your child’s lead. If they find a ride they like, they will most likely want to ride it several times. The unknown of trying out the next ride can be very frightening. If they start to get agitated in line for a ride, it is probably a good indication that the ride will be too intense for them at this time.
- Encourage your child to ask the park staff questions. The attendant at the front of each ride can tell your child what to expect. Then you can help your child decide if they want to give it a try.
- Let go of your expectations. Don’t try to stick to a rigorous schedule. The day might not go anything like you planned, but you can still consider it a success if more fun was had than meltdowns.
We arrived at the park at opening. As the crowds increased, so did her anxiety. By the time lunchtime arrived, she was out of steam. We caught a bus back to our onsite hotel and grabbed lunch in the food court there. We spent the afternoon playing in the pool. We took a water taxi to Downtown Disney for dinner and then went back to the Magic Kingdom after dark.
The temperature was more tolerable and the crowds had thinned. We learned the best time to enjoy the rides is when everyone else is watching the parade. Yes, she was up way past her bedtime, but she left the park with a big smile and feeling like she was successful in handling the day.
The Disney Disability Pass: The Not so Mickey Mouse Approach to Enjoying the Parks
About Rachael Moshman is a lifelong Florida resident, but hates the heat. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and a Master’s Degree in Education with focuses in early childhood, infant/toddler development and special needs. She is a freelance writer and college instructor. She has written for a variety of parenting magazines (http://www.scarymommy.com, http://www.adoption.com) and has contributed to various adoption blogs. Her greatest accomplishment is becoming the last mom to an amazing little girl through foster care adoption. In addition to her husband and daughter, she lives with two cats and a mannequin named Vivian. She is a magazine junky, owns too many shoes and collects tons of recipes that she never attempts to make.
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“We had spent weeks prior to the trip talking about Disney World.” should have been the clue to the resulting ” . . .”
She was completely overwhelmed.”
As the mother of two autistic children I have to say that $100/day per person at Disney or some other similar theme park just isn’t worth it for a child who will be overwhelmed. It’s much more fun for the child to take short day trips to an aquarium, the zoo, a fun museum or the beach. Let them choose.
Great advice!
Especially the one about allowing your child to take the lead. This is why I only go to places like this with my husband so one of us can stay with my son who has Autism while the other can move on with the other two kids.
I’ll add this one: Bring along headphones.Â
My son gets overwhelmed with unexpected noises, so noise-cancelling headphones help him feel more in control. We discovered that they can also get wet without getting ruined, which helped when we were at a park that also had water attractions.