Jan/Feb 2022


Empowering Ability

in·de·pend·ent /ˌindəˈpendənt/ adjective 1. free from outside control; not depending on another’s authority. 2. not depending on another for livelihood or subsistence. We all know what it means to be...


Apps to Kick Off the New Year

Apps to kick off the New Year Although we hoped that many aspects of our lives would get back to pre-pandemic “normal” last year, many of us caring for children...


How I Was Able to Find Love Again

Photo from left to right: Justin Davner (boyfriend), McKenzie Foster (daughter), Erin Foster (mom), Kyle Foster (son). How I was able to find love again and my boyfriend loves both...

How Technology Aids Families with Disabilities 0

How Technology Aids Families with Disabilities

We live in a world where technological advances are an everyday occurrence. We can see this in advertisements, scholarly journal articles, the news, and even social media. For disabled persons,...