
Born This Way Is Paving the Way! 0

Born This Way Is Paving the Way!

Born This Way Born This Way is an American reality television series produced by Bunim/ Murray Productions. The series features seven adults with Down syndrome who inspire others and send...

Monitoring Progress 0

Monitoring Progress

Monitoring Progress This is the final installment of a six-article series on positive behavior support PBS. The previous articles focused on identifying goals and behaviors of concern, gathering information to...

DIY Adaptive Utensils 0

DIY Adaptive Utensils

DIY Adaptive Utensils Does Your Child Need help holding utensils? If you have a child that just needs a “little extra grip” but not necessarily girth, you can use “liner”...

Using Your Plan Teaching Skills 0

Using Your Plan: Teaching Skills

Using Your Plan: Teaching Skills Once broad goals and behaviors of concern are identified, an assessment has been completed to determine the patterns affecting your child’s behavior, and the overall...