“Mom & Me” 2017 Cover Winner: Ivanna Fajardo & Neysha Miranda

Neysha & Ivanna
Our “splashy” cover features six year old Ivanna Fajardo and her mother Neysha Miranda. Ivanna has been diagnosed with KCNQ2 Epilepsy, CP, Autism, Global Developmental Delay, Intellectual Disability, Speech developmental delay, Intermittent Strabismus and Innocent Heart Murmur. Her proud Mom, Neysha, says there are many things to be proud of, little things to some, like when she was able to put her hand to her mouth, or when she started crawling “like a frog” or even to stand up by herself. She loves going to the park, going to the pool and going to Disney. She truly enjoys being a part of every single moment of her life.