Check it Out! Products You Can Use: Autism & Alleluias

Autism & Alleluias
The author Kathleen Deyer Bolduc., is a nationally recognized speaker in the field of disability ministry, and the author of: His Name is Joel: Searching for God in a Son’s Disability, A Place Called Acceptance and Ministry with Families of Children with Disabilities”.
The story is told with compassion, understanding and dedication, along with the anger and daily frustration that comes with having an autistic child. We are introduced to Joel who has moderate retardation, anxiety disorder, mood swings and behavior problems. This true life account is expressed by a Mother who is grieving for her son, while trying to accept, with grace, the difficulty of this life with a special needs child. This is Joel’s journey from age 11 to age 24….it’s the day by day living experiences told with love.
The heavy religious theme that resonates throughout the book is not for every reader. More content about true life experiences would have left the reader wanting more.
If read with an open mind and heart this is a great read; it’s short for quick reading, yet powerful with true life experiences that only those living with a special needs child can relate to.
Reviewed by Judy Tallent
Price: $14.00 from
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