One of the Risks of Avoiding the Subject

Sensei Harrison Huff ( The Bully Proof Sensei ) and author of the soon to be released book Bullies Suck, warns parents to be aware of silent messages they might send their child by focusing on disability and dependence.
“All of us are affected by, and act in accordance with, the ‘labels’ we give ourselves; these “labels” are given to us by the people we look up to most. For children, that is their parents.
As a parent, the ‘label’ and beliefs you impart to your children will act like a thermostat and govern their self-image, behavior, and confidence. If there is a belief, label or self-image that says, ‘I’m not good enough’ or anything that projects a feeling of weakness, helplessness, or lack of self-confidence it acts like a radar signal that attracts bullies.”