Did You Know You Can Receive Rides to Your Medical Appointments?

Getting to and from medical appointments is a critical part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Medicaid funds Non-Emergency Medical Transportation to and from doctor’s appointments. Contact your state’s Medicaid office to learn more. Veterans with disabilities can use the nationwide volunteer transportation network provided by Disabled American Veterans (DAV) for transportation to VA medical facilities for doctors’ appointments, medical tests and treatment. Use the DAV Hospital Service Coordinator Directory to find contact information for your local program. Often, rural areas have limited public transportation options. Contact your state 2-1-1, Community Action Agency or local public transportation service to find information about rural transportation programs in your community. You can also use the Elder care Locator or talk to one of the site’s information specialists toll-free at 1-800-677-1116.Your state’s Department of Transportation or Department of Health & Human Services may offer information about local transportation services for people with disabilities and seniors, as well as programs that can help low-income individuals and families pay for their transportation needs. For additional information, visit Disability, gov’s Finding a Ride & Paratransit Services section, (source: Dol.gov)
ABLE National Resource Center to Serve as a ABLE Account Clearinghouse
A new website will be launching from the ABLE National Resource Center that is designed to be a one-stop shop for families as well as financial professionals and program administrators that will provide information about laws, regulations and product offerings in each state. Under the Achieving a Better Life Experience, or ABLE Act, individuals with disabilities can save up to $100,000 in special accounts without losing Social Security and other government benefits. Funds in the accounts will not affect eligibility for Medicaid, www.ablenrc.org
(source: disabilityscoop.com)
Did you know…?
– By the age o f 3 a child’s brain has reached 80% of its adult size.
– 75% of overall brain development occurs after birth.
– Play is like a child’s work and it is an absolutely vital part of their development.
Check out this link to an infographic that outlines the stages of play as well as identifying for parents the best way to encourage play that will bring out your child’s creativity.
(source: gary chang /shoptwinkie.com)