Sept/Oct 2018

Mommys Timeout Larriland Farm 0

Mommy’s Timeout: Larriland Farm

  Take a time out and use Visualization Meditation to relax. Imagine yourself enjoying the cool crisp air in this apple orchard. Take a couple of deep breaths and begin...

What is a TPSID? 0

What is a TPSID?

What is a TPSID? Transition and Postsecondary Programs for Students with intellectual Disability, or TPSID, are model demonstration projects funded by the US Department of education. Through a Request for...

Using Tech to Help Develop Self-Advocacy Skills 0

Using Tech to Help Develop Self-Advocacy Skills

Developing Self-Advocacy Skills with Tech The pencils, notebooks, paper, and backpacks have all been purchased. The first day excitement has come and gone, and maybe (fingers crossed), your child is...