July/Aug 2013

THE BIG 3 Summer Super Foods For Kids 0

THE BIG 3 Summer Super Foods For Kids

Summer is the gateway to launching your child into the world of nutrient-dense, tasty, colorful, and super healthy foods. Recharge your child’s brain power and increase energy levels by providing...

Ask Special Parents: Learning from Chores 0

Ask Special Parents: Learning from Chores

Learning from Chores ADVICE NEEDED: My son is 2 years old and developmentally delayed. He has recently started showing interest in helping with putting his clothes away and I was...

ASK Angie ASL - Summer Social Activities 0

ASK Angie ASL – Summer Social Activities

VIDEO DEMONSTRATION: Social activities you enjoy during summer break like swimming, playing games, eating and picnicking. Remember to use your manners and practice basic signs. Use your signs during different...

Did You Know About the Independent Living Center 0

Did You Know About the Independent Living Center?

Do you know that every state has an “Independent Living Center” (ILC) that can assist families with transition planning, information and referral, peer support and independent living skills trainings? Visit...