Did You Know Camp Chatterbox Is a Unique Camp for Children Who Use Computers to Communicate?

Camp Chatterbox, sponsored by Children’s Specialized Hospital, is a weeklong overnight camp in Monmouth, New Jersey, for children and young adults, ages 5-22, who use synthesized Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices. Chatterbox offers two unique programs – a Family Program for children ages 5-14 and an Independence and SelfAdvocacy Program for teens and young adults ages 15-22. All campers must be able to participate in the program without requiring one-on-one behavioral support. All campers are involved in a range of activities to promote use of their communication systems across multiple settings. Campers from Across the Country Are Welcome.
(source: www.timtebowfoundation.org)
ABA coverage expands in 2017
The Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHB) has been expanded to not exclude coverage of applied behavior analysis (ABA) starting next year. The FEHB program is the nation’s largest employersponsored health benefits program, covering 8.2 million federal employees, retirees and dependents.
The directive emphasized “the growing number of providers and the research linking behavioral interventions with positive outcomes.” The letter further states “that [Carriers] may provide coverage for ABA as a fully case managed benefit, a pre-authorized service, and/or an in-network benefit only.
(source: www.cnn.com)
Easter Seals Provides Respite Services
Parents or Caregivers rarely have the opportunity to take a break from parenting or caregiving and this often leaves them feeling overwhelmed. They occasionally need rest, relief and “respite”! Easter Seals provides an array of different services that can provide occasional or regular respite. These services come in different forms. Check your local Easter Seals to discover the services available for kids with disabilities.