Health & Development

What is Pierre Robin Sequence 0

What is Pierre Robin Sequence?

To help Raise awareness on the various disorders, Parenting Special Needs Magazine will be highlighting one disorder per issue. In this issue we are highlighting Pierre Robin Sequence


Reiki and Children with Learning Disabilities

What is Reiki? Reiki is a Japanese healing technique used as a therapy to achieve a variety of health-related benefits. This form of therapy involves placing a practitioner’s hands on...


What is The Phelan-McDermid Syndrome?

To help Raise awareness on the various disorders, Parenting Special Needs magazine will be highlighting one disorder per issue. In this issue we are highlighting Phelan-McDermid Syndrome


Did You Know? Lying Can Be Good for Your Heart

Did you know that lying about your heart symptoms could save your life? It’s called the “Yentle syndrome” and it was coined in 1991 by then-NIH Director Dr. Bernadine Healy. It describes...