Special Education

College A Choice for Everyone 0

College: A Choice for Everyone!

Your Future’s So Bright!Begin preparing today for tomorrow FREE DOWNLOAD This 14 page download will show you that college and employment can be an option for your young adult. You...

How to Find a Special Education Advocate 0

How to Find a Special Education Advocate

Special Education Advocate The special education and IEP process can be stressful and confusing. Many parents turn to a special needs advocate to guide them as they seek services for...

Eligibility How Is It Determined 0

Eligibility How Is It Determined?

Eligibility As you sit at the IEP Table, the Team is discussing your child and the school says that your child needs to be evaluated and then the Team will...

Bookshelf Essentials 0

Bookshelf Essentials: Life Skills Books

Life Skills Books Moms Move Mountains by Susan Magers and Donna Spencer: With over 20 years experience in Special Education, the authors have compiled strategies for addressing issues from the...