July/Aug 2012

T.E.A.M. SMART: This Summer with Doug 0

T.E.A.M. SMART: This Summer with Doug

Think Smart Thought is the original source of all success. It translates into a plentitude of actions all precipitated by impulses. Your thoughts give you direction on what to eat...

Self-Awareness: A Building Block of Independence 0

Self-Awareness: A Building Block of Independence

Self-Awareness: A Building Block of Independence Last year about this time, I wrote an article for the SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder) Foundation’s blog discussing how important it is to see...

Spa Day 0

Spa Day

Spa Day Young people with special needs face many challenges academically, socially, and vocationally. Another area that is often challenging is grooming and personal hygiene. For people with ASD, these...

Mommys Timeout Magnificent Mountains 0

Mommy’s Timeout: Magnificent Mountains

    Take a time out and use visualization meditation to relax. Picture yourself here amongst the magnificent mountains. Enjoy the fragrance of the fresh air. Take a couple of...

Tiny Light Angel 0

Tiny Light Angel

Tiny Light Angel Tiny Light Angel has the perfect name – she truly is an angel and inspiration to everyone she meets. While this brave 16-year-old spends much of her...

Ask Angie ASL - Independence 0

Ask Angie ASL – Independence

Tips for Working with the Deaf: Using an Interpreter for Independence People who are deaf or hard of hearing, will use an interpreter to facilitate communication. This allows them to...