Salute The Captain: A Game That Encourages Skills And Fun!

Summer is upon us, and cruise ships are sailing over the deep blue sea, visiting many tropical islands and ports along the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
On the ship, crew members take on various responsibilities to make sure the passengers are happy and having an experience of a lifetime.
They are an essential part of a team responsible for providing prompt and friendly customer service.
They assist customers by providing them with plenty of food and drinks, taking care of room accommodations and transporting them from one area of the ship to another.
They also handle administrative tasks and operate equipment as required. Strong communication skills and a positive attitude are crucial in this role.
Children love to role-play. I’ve taught the “Salute The Captain” game for many years, and each year, the children always seem to want to keep playing. They enjoy imagining that they are on a ship sailing to an imaginary place like Neverland in the movie Peter Pan, or Montunui in the movie “Moana.”
Before you begin playing, come up with your own adventure. Below are instructions on how to execute this game.
You can play it with one person or a group while having a whale of a time with your family and friends. No supplies or equipment are needed.
❖ Make sure everyone finds their own space on the floor so that they are not close to anyone or any object. This will give them enough room to move during the activity.
❖ Choose one person to be the “Captain”.
❖ The captain calls out the commands and everyone has to execute them.
❖ The commands are listed below with their description.
❖ As they become familiar with the commands, the captain can call them out at a faster rate, improving their endurance and agility.
❖ Salute the captain (attention position with hand saluting)
❖ At Ease (hands behind back with feet shoulder-width apart)
❖ Scrub the deck (mimic scrubbing motion on hands and knees)
❖ Climb the ladder (mimic climbing up a ladder using both arms and legs)
❖ Haul in the anchor (mimic pulling in anchor with arms)
❖ Hit the deck (lying flat on your stomach and smack your hands on the floor)
❖ Submarine (lying flat on the stomach with one leg in the air – periscope)
❖ Clear the deck (players are to run across the room standing with backs against a wall to clear the space)
❖ Swim to shore (after clearing the deck, the players execute a swimming arm motion going back to their space.
❖ Man overboard (players place one hand on their forehead, the other hand on their lower back, and stand on one foot)
❖ Row the boat (sitting on the floor, lengthening arms and legs in front and then row motion them back while scooting across the floor)
If you’re using a mobility device, some adaptations to the game are mentioned below.
❖ Scrub the deck – place hands on lap and mimic scrubbing motion
❖ Climb the Ladder – using the upper body only, alternate arms by reaching overhead as if they are climbing a ladder.
❖ Haul in the Anchor – using upper body only, pretending they are holding a rope and pulling it towards their torso.
❖ Hit the Deck – slap their legs
❖ Submarine -lift one leg or have someone lift leg
❖ Clear the deck – wheel oneself towards a wall with the back wheel against it.
❖ Swim to shore – Alternate hands, while one is mimicking a swimming motion the other is wheeling the chair forward.
❖ Man overboard – place one hand behind the back and the other hand on the forehead as if they are looking for someone.
❖ Row the boat – rowing arm motion OR wheel your wheelchair around the room.
Watch Video Demonstration of How to Play
Use Your Creativity and Enjoy the Adventure!
Elizabeth O’Hara, a Gymsters franchise owner for 30+ years, is also an Adapted Physical Education teacher and Walnut Grove Board member. She pioneered fitness programs for special needs individuals, reaching over 60 schools. Resides in Boardman, Ohio, with her husband, three children, and five grandchildren.
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This post originally appeared on our May/June 2024 Magazine