

Halloween Doodle Fun Free Download

Doodling can be a calming and meditative experience! We hope our Doodle sheet will do just that for your kids! Print this out. Let your kids pick the patterns they...

Surgery Survival 0

Surgery Survival

“The Walker Family has endured 50+ surgeries as they have coped with a multi-congenital defect syndrome. Surgery is a part of their lives and as such, they have learned ways...

Bookshelf Essentials 0

Tears of My Angel

by Benedetta Lino “Tears of my Angel” is the remarkable story of Benedetta Lino’s journey from a young newlywed with dreams and hopes, to a woman with the responsibility of...

Bookshelf Essentials 0

The Power Card

by Elisa Gagnon, M.S., and Brenda Smith Myles,Ph.D. The Power Card Strategy 2. 0 is a flexible strategy that allows parents and teachers to personalize instruction to the child’s individual...

Bookshelf Essentials 0

Bookshelf Essentials: Life Skills Books

Life Skills Books Moms Move Mountains by Susan Magers and Donna Spencer: With over 20 years experience in Special Education, the authors have compiled strategies for addressing issues from the...