Sept/Oct 2017

2017 Cover Winner: Lesley University Student 0

2017 Cover Winner: Lesley University Student

Lesley University Threshold Program: This issue’s cover features a student enrolled in Lesley University’s (Cambridge, Ma.) Threshold Program. This is a two-year, college-based program for young adults with diverse learning...

Mommy's Timeout: Brandywine Creek 0

Mommy’s Timeout: Brandywine Creek

  Take a time out and use visualization meditation to relax. Imagine yourself enjoying the WonderFALL changing colors at Brandywine Creek State Park. Take a couple of deep breaths and...

DIY Adaptive Utensils 0

DIY Adaptive Utensils

DIY Adaptive Utensils Does Your Child Need help holding utensils? If you have a child that just needs a “little extra grip” but not necessarily girth, you can use “liner”...

Maneuvering Your Meal Plan While In College 0

Maneuvering Your Meal Plan While In College

Maneuvering Your Meal Plan While In College Can you believe it, your child is ready for college! You are concerned about their food allergies, special diets or food preferences. What...