Power of Play

Paper clip Jewelry 0

Paper clip Jewelry

You’ve probably made a paper clip necklace at some point in your life. But, did you think to give your child this handy activity? All you need is a simple...

Masses of Bubbles 0

Masses of Bubbles

It’s the holidays and the kids are milling around looking for something to do. You got the solution and it’s everyone’s favorite—bubbles. Except, instead of one small bottle and a...

Don't Throw That Styrofoam Away! 0

Don’t Throw That Styrofoam Away!

The next time you get some equipment packed in Styrofoam blocks, grab it! It’s the basis of a perfect toy. Next, you’ll need to get golf teas. You can get...

Can You Do the CAN CAN? 0

Can You Do the CAN CAN?

CAN CAN Song After a holiday party, there might be an excess of empty aluminum cans. It’s just the right material for a fun game. So, before you bundle the...

Infant Games Grows Brains 0

Infant Games Grows Brains

Infant Games One of the fascinating facts about brain development is that as far as the brain is concerned, we are all born premature. Even though we are born with...

Postcard Diaries & Memorabilia Bags 0

Postcard Diaries & Memorabilia Bags

Memorabilia Recording memories when you travel with the family is always a good idea—in theory. The reality might be very full days with the challenges of finding meals that satisfy,...