Jan/Feb 2011

The Vows of Special Needs Parents 0

The Vows of Special Needs Parents

The Vows of Special Needs Parents When a family has a child with tremendous needs, what we do for her can sometimes overshadow everything else, including our relationship with our...

Making Time for Fitness 0

Making Time for Fitness

Making Time for Fitness Time management may be one of the most debilitating aspects of life for families with special needs children. I have heard the “we don’t have time”...

Running: My Temporary Escape 0

Running: My Temporary Escape

Running Like many parents of children with special needs, my child is my life. I become so engrossed in helping my child that I forget myself. In having a child...



Mealtime presents many opportunities for a variety of sensory and motor skills to be developed also! A lot of kiddos with special needs struggle with “picky eating” or “problem feeding”...