Jan/Feb 2011

Super Health Revolutions For The New Year 0

Super Health Revolutions For The New Year

Super Health Revolutions Each year brings about a feeling of optimism that we can make some sort of positive improvement in our lives. We construct our New Year’s resolutions with...


Never Give Up! Mike’s Success Story

My name is Mike Watson. I was born on April 25, 1975 in Cincinnati, Ohio. I was born with an umbilical cord around my neck…a breach baby. I started talking...

How To Achieve A Healthy You 0

How To Achieve A Healthy You

How To Achieve A Healthy You Watching your weight does not mean you have to go on a radical diet. Dieting is not the answer, for children or adults. Making...


My Friendship Bracelet Maker

Winter is raging in parts of the country and it’s a great time to get your child involved indoors with creative play. Projects are a great way to teach your...

Simple Pleasures 0

Simple Pleasures

Simple Pleasures Muffin Tops Just what we have been asking for… only the top of the muffin. Plus, these VitaTop muffins are healthy, satisfying and only 100 calories. They come...

The Vows of Special Needs Parents 0

The Vows of Special Needs Parents

The Vows of Special Needs Parents When a family has a child with tremendous needs, what we do for her can sometimes overshadow everything else, including our relationship with our...