

Establishing a Positive Family Plan

As the New Year begins, we may find that our children are a little out-of-sorts. Typical daily activities such as transitions to and from school, family meals, and chores or homework may be


Proud Moments: I Couldn’t Be Prouder of Wyatt!

This article starts a new column entitled Proud Moments. Proud Moments are any time that you have been extremely proud of your child with special needs. Read on to share in pride & joy of everyday accomplishments


The Guaranteed Back-to-School Question

One question that is guaranteed to be asked of your child sometime during the first few weeks of school is , “What did you do this summer?” Parents and caregivers would cringe if they overheard


A Different Road to Recovery

Crazy. Nutcase. Right winged sadist. Psycho. These are some of the names that “mainstream” medicine has branded us with. “Us” are the parents who have chosen a different route