…..and We’re Off!!!!!
This “new launch” is certainly much more personal for me. It is more personal for you as well. You see, we all have a common thread….
This “new launch” is certainly much more personal for me. It is more personal for you as well. You see, we all have a common thread….
This incident really put a strain on our friendship (well, from my perspective anyway). It brings tears to my eyes now as I am writing this, because
I not know. These three little words were the only vocabulary my then 7 year old foster sister could say
In this issue, we will look at the many opportunities for communication and motor development during a very important time of the day
As I left the class, I thought to myself: “how much will the teacher retain of what was said to her about her new students?”
Soeren Palumbo a high school student presents a powerful and enlightening speech, that everyone sould watch
World Premiere of “Derivative Composition” at the Kennedy Center Exhibition Highlights the Synergy Among the Artistic Disciplines…
The following letter is a Mother’s cry for help within our own system.
This affects all of us
In an effort to raise awareness on the various disorders, Parenting Special Needs magazine will be highlighting one disorder per issue.
In this issue we are highlighting VCFS
There are few things as devastating as a doctor or other professional telling you that your child has a disability. We all, at the least, want our child to be equal to their peers
need help?
we can help!
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of raising a child with special needs!
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