Ages & Stages

ASK Angie ASL - Holiday Signs 0

ASK Angie ASL – Holiday Signs

Holiday Signs Tips for working with the deaf 1. It’s important to remember that not all people can lip-read. Lip-reading is a skill that often requires a background knowledge of...

Who Is in the Box? 0

Who Is in the Box?

Who Is in the Box? If your child or client is going into an inclusive classroom at school this fall, s/he may have some difficult moments trying to fit in...


Social Games in Shallow Water

There is something about water that can invite calm play. Maybe it’s the comforting way water holds your body, the silky feel of it on your skin, the blue color,...


Helpful Apps for Children with Special Needs

Apps for Children with Special Needs Conversation Builder™ Conversation Builder™ is an interactive conversation simulator designed to help elementary aged children learn how to introduce themselves, ask questions, make observations...

What would Mary Poppins Do? 0

What would Mary Poppins Do?

What would Mary Poppins Do? I want to be more like Mary Poppins. Instead of screeching at my children, like the Wicked Witch of the West, to clean up yet...