
Using Yoga to Benefit Individuals with ADHD 0

Using Yoga to Benefit Individuals with ADHD

Using Yoga to Benefit Individuals with ADHD Sometimes a quick 5-minute break to reconnect with your mind, body, and environment can be incredibly effective for reestablishing focus and regulating activity...

5 Top Theories about the Causes of ADHD 3

5 Top Theories about the Causes of ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has become one of the most common childhood disorders that persist into adulthood affecting about four percent of adults in the U.S. Many theories have...


Managing Time for Adults with ADHD

When handling tasks, individuals with ADHD experience time differently from other individuals. Due to challenges with time management and organization, many

Pablo Piccaso 0

Pablo Piccaso

Did you know that some of the world’s most creative and innovative people have ADHD or some type of learning disability? Pablo Piccaso was born in 1881. Picasso’s father, who...

My New Motherhood 0

My New Motherhood

Motherhood When you set out to have children, you wish for a healthy and happy baby. You may hope for a girl or hope for a boy, but you know...