Relationship Rescue: My Daughter is Talking About Marriage
My daughter is a 19 year old with Down syndrome (DS. She has been dating a 21 year old man with DS. Any advice about dating and marriage?
My daughter is a 19 year old with Down syndrome (DS. She has been dating a 21 year old man with DS. Any advice about dating and marriage?
“Aging out of school and where do we go from here”? This is one of the most difficult decisions for a “special needs” parent to be in
Maintaining some sense of decorum around the holidays with special needs children, while still managing to have fun
With the current economy the way it is… I am afraid we will never be able to retire. I am not even sure where or how to begin to prepare...
“Isn’t there something else I can do for my child besides having them take prescription medications?”
“How do I get my child interested in sports or recreation of any kind?”
”Will my child be alright at a sleep away camp for special needs?” Couples desparately need the time alone even if it is for
My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year and a half and have decided to move in together. How should I prepare him for living with a special needs child?
How do you handle it when a spouse immerses themselves in the child’s care and puts the relationship on the “back-burner”?