PSN Team

Its the Most Wonderful Time of the Year 0

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Every year, just as I am finishing off the last of the Thanksgiving leftovers, I’ll run into a perky acquaintance who will ask, “Are you all ready for the holidays?”...

Create a Winter Village Scene with Paper Chain Village 0

Encourage Playful Creativity

  Cover Photo by Create a Winter Village with a PAPER CHAIN VILLAGE. Click to Learn Creativity is the source of everything, and creative play opens the world to...


Halloween Doodle Fun Free Download

Doodling can be a calming and meditative experience! We hope our Doodle sheet will do just that for your kids! Print this out. Let your kids pick the patterns they...

Apps for Task Management and Organization 0

Apps for Task Management & Organization

Here at BridgingApps, we love “single purpose” apps, the ones that we can share with people of all abilities that are designed to address one need in a simple, easy...