Barbara Sher

Paper clip Jewelry 0

Paper clip Jewelry

You’ve probably made a paper clip necklace at some point in your life. But, did you think to give your child this handy activity? All you need is a simple...

Leandro Teaches a Lesson 0

Leandro Teaches a Lesson

Leandro was diagnosed with Autism. To his mom, dad and even me, his therapist, a better description would be Difficult. Very Difficult. Leandro had opinions and mostly they were “No”....

The Scarf Game 0

The Scarf Game

The Scarf Game is a fun game for many ages Gather as many scarves as you can for this fun game. You could pick some up at a secondhand store...

Art Day Stress Free Way to Play 0

Art Day Stress Free Way to Play

Art Day Stress Free Way to Play Creating art with others can be a stress-free way to be together if the medium is simple to use and the results unique....