
Meet Dr. Christopher Najarian 0

Meet: Dr. Christopher Najarian

Dr. Christopher Najarian, a pediatric doctor at Akron Children’s Hospital “stopped by” Parenting Special Needs Live earlier this month to share his story and how adaptive sports programs impacted his...

Hacky Sack Stick KickBall 0

Hacky Sack Stick KickBall

Hacky Sack Stick KickBall Anyone interested in playing soccer but doesn’t seem to have the ability to perform the skills? You may want to try the game below. If you’re...

3 Steps To Make Progress This Year 0

3 Steps To Make Progress This Year

A new year brings renewed energy and the opportunity to create a new plan and goals with your loved one for the year. You may have done this in previous...


A Resolution for Parents in the New Year

As a behavior analyst, I sometimes have to have difficult conversations with parents. Generally, this involves “I feel” or “I think” statements. During these conversations, parents have reported the following...

Asking Permission Empowers Youth 0

Asking Permission Empowers Youth

As the holidays approach, cameras will be snapping photos and social media will be blowing up with images of family gatherings, decorations, and cherubic children in their holiday outfits. Holiday...


Meet: Patricia E. Bailey

Childhood Educator & Interventionist For 45 years, Patricia Bailey worked as an early childhood educator, education assistant, professional storyteller, tutor, academic strategist, and interventionist. She taught language arts and literature...