

Physical Issues That Affect Reading and Writing

Identifying and Addressing Challenges in Literacy DevelopmentĀ  Two of the most important and widely used skills in school and the workforce areĀ reading and writing. However, there are many physical challenges...


Tech Tools to Support Literacy Accommodations

As the summer comes to an end and school preparations start, many of you are, like us, reviewing accommodations with your childā€™s teachers and paraprofessionals, as well as with your...


Tech Tools Crushing the Summer Slide

School will be out for summer vacation again soon. Will your family travel and explore new places or stay home to relax and recharge? No matter how your family decides...

Tick Tock Times Up! 0

Tick, Tock… Time’s Up!

Time’s Up! As parents and educators, we constantly find ourselves running out of time to do the things we want. Or so we believeā€¦ Do we really run out of...