Post High School Life


Decision Making Skills for Young Adults

When students with disabilities become young adults, they and their parents often ask whether and how decision-making practices should change. After all, the student and family, the school, medical, vocational,...


Transition & Supported Employment Working for You

Transition is a term used to describe post high school education planning processes for students with special needs between the ages of 14 and 22. Specifically, it is used to help students move from school to work


Raising a Successful College Graduate

Children with special needs have experienced more frustration and academic failure than most other children. Yet, some of them become successful college students who graduate with a specialty in


The Maincure

Ten years ago, I led a workshop for parents and grandparents of children with disabilities at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico. While there, I met Marcia,we spoke of many things over the course of that week, but one story she told resurfaces in my mind again and again.