Nov/Dec 2016

2016 Cover Winner: Emma Elizabeth Largent 0

2016 Cover Winner: Emma Elizabeth Largent

Emma Elizabeth Largent This issue’s cover-gal, dressed in red and looking very happy, is Emma Elizabeth Largent who is 5 1/2 years old. Emma has been diagnosed with a rare...

Bookshelf Essentials 0

Tears of My Angel

by Benedetta Lino “Tears of my Angel” is the remarkable story of Benedetta Lino’s journey from a young newlywed with dreams and hopes, to a woman with the responsibility of...

Mommys Timeout Colors in Nature 0

Mommy’s Timeout: Colors in Nature

  Take a time out and use Visualization Meditation to relax. Look at the beauty of the colors in nature. See the details of the feathers. Be still and take...

The IEP Is Written... Now What Do I Do? 0

The IEP Is Written… Now What Do I Do?

After the IEP meeting, you may be feeling cautiously optimistic. The IEP was updated and your child will receive more services/time for services. But because of past experiences, you are...

Inclusive Holiday Activities 0

Inclusive Holiday Activities

Inclusive Holiday Activities The holiday season is a time for being together, family traditions, and showing people you care through thoughtful gift giving. Being part of a family with special...

Cooking with Kids: Festive Pretzel Salad 0

Cooking with Kids: Festive Pretzel Salad

Make Cooking Fun And Educational: Festive Pretzel Salad This recipe comes from Chase Bailey,15, an aspiring chef who also happens to be autistic. He has been hosting a hugely successful...