Jan/Feb 2015


Person-Ventured Entrepreneurship: A L.O.V.E. Story

Over the next four issues, Minerva & Nelson Santiago from Picasso & Einstein invite you to learn about “Person-Ventured” Entrepreneurship. This article will demystify the erroneous concepts of entrepreneurship and...

The Future of a Special Needs Family 0

The Future of a Special Needs Family

Our son was not given very good odds of surviving or thriving, but, he is doing both now! He has x linked hydrocephalus and we were told he might not...

2015 Cover Winner Cortney Kovack 0

2015 Cover Winner: Cortney Kovack

Cortney Kovack Cortney Kovack, 19 (CP, seizure disorder, visual impairment), is enjoying winter and snow! She loves to swim, participate in cheer leading (is on 2 teams), music, singing and...

Cooking With Kids Easy Scrambled Eggs 0

Cooking With Kids: Easy Scrambled Eggs

 Encouraging Speech & Creating Yum! Easy Scrambled Eggs Teaching our children to cook is a crucial life skill. This recipe comes courtesy of Beverly Worth Paloma from her new cookbook,...