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Proud Moments: Matthew’s Endless Possibilities

Proud Moments: Matthew’s Endless Possibilities

Matthew’s Endless Possibilities

As I drove with my son, Matthew… for the first time, he was the driver and I was his passenger (what an ironic metaphor for our journey). After gripping the door handle for what seemed like hours, I got home and cried. I cried knowing how far he has come; I cried remembering that they told me he might never talk and I cried for the hours of therapy. I cried for all the fights with the schools and birthday parties he was never invited to. I cried for all the times…click below to listen to the rest of her story. I wanted to give up and for all the friends and family that loved and supported him and me. I cried for the courageous fighter he has always been. I cried because when he was diagnosed I saw a future before him that was faced with darkness and now see a future of endless possibilities for him. I cried because I know with faith in God anything is possible miracles happen every day. So when the storms of life role unend and we can’t understand them we must hold onto hope and know there is light. It may be behind clouds for a very long time and it may take a lifetime to understand but the light eventually will come.


Hope is one of the greatest gifts God gives to us. Trust there is a plan. I have learned more from Matthew than anyone else I have ever encountered and have learned more about myself through this sixteen year journey. So I wanted to pass this on live with hope. Remember my little boy who couldn’t say mom or look me in the eyes now has his eyes on the road while he tells me to stop nagging him about slowing down. Nothing is impossible with God. Believe in him and the power he has in this world.

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This post originally appeared on our March/April 2018 Magazine [15]
