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Doug’s 3-Point Back-To-School Guide for Parents

Doug’s 3-Point Back-To-School Guide for Parents

Back-To-School Guide for Parents

It’s that time of year again where both children and parents experience a myriad of emotions. Going back-to-school can be both stressful and exciting. Therefore, it is important to wean a child back into a successful routine by establishing the ground rules early on in the school year for doing homework [1], performing chores [2], obtaining physical [3] activity, eating healthy [4] meals, waking up [5] and going to sleep [6] at a consistent, regular time.


“The secret in education lies in respecting the student.”

~Ralph Waldo Emerson (American poet, essayist and lecturer)

Follow my 3 points to help you and your child effectively transition back-to-school.

Point 1: Healthy Eating Strategies for a Child

Point 2: Keeping a Child Physically Active During the School Year

Point 3: Effective Transitioning and Communication


For more information on helping a child obtain overall SUPER HEALTH, please visit: www.douglashaddad.com [7]. [8]

Douglas Haddad is the author of Save Your Kids…Now!  The Revolutionary Guide To Helping Youth Conquer Today’s Challenges and a full-time public school teacher in Connecticut. www.douglashaddad.com [7].


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This post originally appeared on our September/October 2011 Magazine [22]
