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Sharing “I CAN!” Attitudes: Emarie, Bailey, & Jeffrey

Sharing “I CAN!” Attitudes: Emarie, Bailey, & Jeffrey

Egg-specially Proud

Emarie & Alisha Peters [1]

Emarie exhibiting an “I CAN” attitude


This is our “Proud Moment” with our sweetie who has 18q- syndrome. This was Easter 2011, and I normally wouldn’t share such an embarrassing picture of myself… but I don’t care in this instance since it shows how proud I was in that moment! You see, on this particular egg hunt of Emarie’s 4th Easter (at 3 1/2 years) She. Finally. Got. It. In this moment, I didn’t even have to help her, she found that egg all by herself and then proceeded to pat down the entire area of the flower bed with her sweet little hand to make sure she got all the eggs that were there. It filled my eyes with tears and my heart with joy and I’ve never been more proud of her than I was in that moment! [2]

~ Alisha Peters, (Emarie’s Proud Mom)


Singing Talent

We are so proud of my daughter Bailey. She was in her 3rd middle school talent show singing, and she was awesome! [2]

~ Robin Angel, (Bailey’s Proud Mom)


“Knock Knock”

My son, Jeffrey, is 5 years old. He was diagnosed with Chiari 1 brain malformation, ASD and a 15q 13.3 microdeletion which has left him dev. mentally delayed. Just the other day, as everyone was laughing in his class he asked his teacher “what’s so funny?”. For him to notice other’s actions is a huge step. Then, the next day, as we were driving home from dinner, my older two kids were being silly in the car. So Jeffrey goes “knock knock?” The kids say “whose there?” Jeffrey- “Door”, Siblings- “door who?” Jeffrey- Door bell! And he laughs hysterically. So for him to then tell a joke to make us all laugh. I cried as I laughed all the way home. Such an amazing leap for him. It’s the little things that show me he can overcome anything.Suzette Villalobos. [2]

~ Suzette Villalobos   (Jeffery’s Proud Mom)



Share a Proud Moment with us Next Issue!

Proud Moments can be any time that you have been extremely proud of your child with special needs. It can be when they are giving it their all or reaching a milestone. You may feel you can only share your excitement or enthusiasm with someone that will really understand. We understand. [email protected]

Photo courteousy Alisha Peters



Read More Proud Moments [3]


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This post originally appeared on our March/April 2012 Magazine [13]
