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April 16th, is A Day To Recognize And “Help A Special Needs Family”

Seven ways family members and friends can help the parents of children with autism and special needs.

Deanna Picon, founder of Your Autism Coach, LLC [1] and author of The Autism Parents’ Guide to Reclaiming Your Life proclaimed Saturday, April 16, as a day for family members and friends to express their support for the parents of children with autism and special needs.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 68 U.S. children has an autism spectrum disorder. Behind these startling statistics are overwhelmed and unprepared parents, whose lives have been forever changed by an autism diagnosis.


“These parents are hidden heroes who bravely face autism and all the enormous challenges and huge responsibilities that accompany it on a daily basis. They may be your best friend, your cousin, your neighbor or co-worker,” says Picon.  “Special needs parents deserve respect and recognition for many reasons, including the sheer guts it takes to stay dedicated to this challenge.”

Family and friends can use these easy tips to help and acknowledge the dedication of special needs parents:

These kind of simple but valuable good deeds don’t have to be limited to friends and family. Work colleagues can express their admiration for how well a special needs co-worker balances work and family responsibilities by showing their appreciation:

“It’s wonderful to honor and recognize the amazing autism and special needs parents in your life during Autism Awareness Month.  But keep in mind, these simple acts of kindness don’t have to be reserved for special days or months,” says Picon. “Parenting is a 24/7, 365 day job for these parents, so anything you can do to help them during the year is much appreciated.”


Your Autism Coach, LLC provides personalized guidance, comprehensive support programs and seminars that address the issues and concerns of parents of special needs children.

The Autism Parents’ Guide to Reclaiming Your Life provides parents with proven techniques and a clear-cut action plan to help overcome the challenges of raising a child with autism, while building a rewarding life for themselves. It can be purchased at Amazon.com [2].



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