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Reducing Back to School Anxiety {Tip 17 of 31}

How to calm an anxious child
Massage Tip reduce anxiety 17 [1]

As we start to think about returning to school don’t forget the anxiety [2] this may generate in your child. While most children do not want to see summer end those with special needs are more than lamenting the end of summer. Recognizing that there will soon be an increase in demands from an academic, therapeutic and behavioral standpoint, as well as possible negative peer interactions, can often lead to an increase in anxiety/OCD weeks before school is scheduled to start.

Easy & Effective Techinque


As anxiety increases our fight or flight system ramps up and generates physical effects (elevated heart rate, dilated pupils, difficulty sitting still, etc.). As a parent you can help stimulate the part of the nervous system that helps return our bodies and minds to a restful state. Joint compressions and deep tissue pressure actually stimulate nerve receptors that feedback and help our bodies return to homeostasis. A routine starting at the feet and ending with the head and neck combined with essential oils is an effective way to calm an anxious child. These techniques are easy to learn, require no special training and can be modified to meet the needs of any child. If you combine this routine with the appropriate type of music [3] you have an additive effect.

Positive Benefits

The other benefit is providing some very positive one on one time, which has a therapeutic benefit, and does not place any demands on the child. Unlike most other therapies this is completely passive and the only potential negative is that you may find yourself with more than one patient. This is calming for anyone.

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Related: Back to School Tips for a Successful School Year Complete Guide [6]


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