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Taxi-ing Kiddos: Car Mate Essentials {Tip 22 of 31}

It’s back-to-school time again. 
That means more time spent in the car than out of it. Driving the kids to therapy, after school events, practices, and meetings.
 Taxing Kiddos Car Mate Essentials [1]

But, by spending so much time in the car, I’ve found the following items make our list every year as are car mate essentials.

Napkins: keep a stack loaded in the glove compartment for all the times they come in handy; for blowing noses, wiping up messes and sticky fingers.


Hand Sanitizer: place the pump right in the side door panel, never be without it. Kids can use prior to eating a snack or after a sneeze.

Emergency First Aid Kit: because you never know when you’re going to needa Band-Aid.

Healthy Snacks: like Annie’s Organic Snack Mix Bunnies or a healthy energy nut & seed blend. It has just enough dried cranberries to keep me from reaching for candy. Making your own trail mix is a great option as well; just remember no chocolate or anything that melts. **Be careful of choking hazards for younger kids.**

Finger Nail File: this is good for fixing the occasional broken fingernail or for times that you have a few minutes to just do your nails.

Stress Ball or Fidget Toy: for you or your child, manipulating helps with self- regulation, relieves nervous energy and has a calming effect.

Other great items: a change of clothes for all kids (regardless of age), paper towels, towel or blanket, plastic garbage bag, a notepad (and pencil/pen), reading material.

Enjoy it “Taxi Moms”


Happy & Safe Driving!

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Related: Back to School Tips for a Successful School Year Complete Guide [3]


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